Friday, June 24, 2016

Devils Tower Wyoming and Deadwood. Deadwood SD

We got up on Friday morning and hit the road for the short drive across the border into Wyoming.  The destination was Devils Tower National Monument but before we go there we got a quick lesson in GPS reliability.  I drove past a sign telling me to turn to go to Devils Tower because I was following the advice of my iPhone Maps.  The direct, commanding voice from the phone sounded like it knew what it was doing so why not follow it?  Two dirt roads, an open range and some minor trespassing later we realized we were lost.  In Wyoming.  I turned around and after retracing some steps we found the right road and managed to make it to the Monument with a "we got lost in Wyoming." story to tell.  The tower itself is majestic and beautiful.  It is no wonder the indians consider the tower to be sacred ground. It's a lot bigger than we expected and the path around the tower gave us several vantage point from which to view it.  One of those views was of the three climbers making their way up the tower (craziness!) After viewing Devils Tower we drove back into South Dakota and down to the historic town of Deadwood.  Deadwood was an old mining town back in the late 1800's and was the very essence of the lawless west.  Its the town that Wild Bill Hickok was killed in during the summer of 1876. While Deadwood might like to live off of its historic significance to ole west lore, it leans heavily on its legalized gambling which makes the town a careful balance of history and even so slight seediness.  Which in some ways is fitting given the history - kind of an odd feeling walking the historic one street town.
Devils Tower WY

Coralie missing ballet at Devils Tower WY

Deadwood SD

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